Governing Council
Twenty-eighth session, 1981

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Symbol Document description
A/36/208 Implementation of the medium-term and long-term recovery and
rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region
Report of the Secretary-General
DP/506 Agenda of the twenty-eighth session of the Governing Council
DP/507 Annotations to the provisional agenda of the twenty-eighth session
of the Governing Council
DP/508 Adoption of the agenda and organization of work
DP/509 List of documents
DP/509/Rev.1 Final check-list of documents
DP/510 Annual report of the Administrator for 1980
DP/510/Add.1 Annual report of the Administrator for 1980
DP/511 Basic programme data
DP/511/Corr.1 Basic programme data
DP/512 Supplementary programme data
DP/512/Add.1 Supplementary programme data
DP/513 Assistance to the national liberation movements recognized by the
Organization of African Unity
DP/514 Assistance to the Palestinian people
DP/515 Evaluation programme
Progress report of the Administrator
DP/515/Add.1 Evaluation programme
DP/516 Action taken in response to decisions adopted by the Governing Council
at its twenty-eighth session
Report of the Administrator
DP/517 UNDP: Planning for the 1980s
DP/518 Implementation of revised country programming policies and procedures
for the third programming cycle, 1982-1986
DP/518/Corr.1 Implementation of revised country programming policies and procedures
for the third programming cycle, 1982-1986
DP/518/Add.1 Extension of country programmes
DP/519 Preparations for the third programming cycle, 1982-1986
DP/520 Assistance to specific countries
DP/521 Report on pre-investment activities
DP/522 Relevant trends and problems in the country programmes
proposed for approval in 1981
DP/523 The intercountry programme for Asia and the Pacific, 1982-1986
DP/524 The global and interregional programme, 1982-1986
DP/524/Add.1 The global and interregional programme, 1982-1986
DP/525 Subcontracts awarded and major equipment ordered
DP/526 Approval by the Governing Council of country programmes and projects
recommended by the Administrator and derestriction of the documents
DP/527 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director for 1980
DP/528 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on allocations to projects in 1980
DP/528/Corr.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on allocations to projects in 1980
DP/529 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Work plan 1982-1985 and request for approval authority
DP/530 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on the future role of UNFPA:
UNFPA in the 1980s
DP/531 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services
for the year 1982 and supplementary appropriations for the year 1981
DP/531/Corr.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services
for the year 1982 and Supplementary appropriations for the year 1981
Corrigendum 1
DP/531/Corr.2 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services
for the year 1982 and supplementary appropriations for the year 1981
Corrigendum 2
DP/531/Corr.3 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services
for the year 1982 and supplementary appropriations for the year 1981
Corrigendum 3
DP/532 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services
for the year 1982 and supplementary appropriations for the year 1981
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
DP/532/Corr.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Budget estimates for the administrative and programme support services
for the year 1982 and supplementary appropriations for the year 1981
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
DP/533 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Audit Reports
DP/534 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Operational reserve
Report and recommendations of the Executive Director
DP/535  United Nations Volunteers
Annual report of the Administrator for 1980
DP/536 Other Funds and Programmes
United Nations Capital Development Fund
Annual report of the Administrator for 1980
DP/536/Corr.1 United Nations Capital Development Fund
Annual report of the Administrator for 1980
DP/537 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Annual report of the Administrator for 1980
DP/538 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Report of the Working Group of Government Experts
DP/539 United Nations Interim Fund for Science and Technology for Development
Report of the Administrator
DP/540 Interim arrangements for energy exploration and pre-investment surveys
Action taken in respect to the Energy Account and the preparation by UNDP
for the United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Nairobi, 10-21 August 1981
DP/541 United Nations Special Fund for Land-Locked Developing Countries
Report of the Administrator
DP/542 United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office
Implementation of a medium-term and long-term recovery
and rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian Region
DP/543 United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office
Implementation of a plan of action to combat desertification
in the Sudano-Sahelian region
DP/544 Assistance to drought stricken countries in Africa and follow-up to the
United Nations Conference on Desertification
DP/544/Corr.1 Assistance to drought stricken countries in Africa and follow-up to the
United Nations Conference on Desertification
Report of the Administrator
DP/545 Information on United Nations system regular and extra-budgetary
technical cooperation expenditures in 1980 financed from sources
other than UNDP
DP/545/Corr.1 Information on United Nations system regular and extra-budgetary
technical cooperation expenditures in 1980 financed from sources
other than UNDP
DP/546 Technical Co-operation Among Developing Countries
TCDC and policies, rules and procedures of UNDP
DP/547 Annual review of the financial situation: 1980
DP/547/Corr.1 Annual review of the financial situation: 1980
DP/548 Budget estimates for the biennium 1982-1983
DP/549 Budget estimates for the biennium 1982-1983
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/549/Corr.1 Budget estimates for the biennium 1982-1983
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/550 Supplementary estimates for the period 1980-1981
DP/550/Corr.1 Supplementary estimates for the period 1980-1981
DP/551 Supplementary estimates for the period 1980-1981
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/552 UNDP financial regulations and rules
Note by the Administrator
DP/552/Add.1 UNDP financial regulations and rules
Addendum 1
DP/552/Add.1/Corr.1 UNDP financial regulations and rules
Addendum 1
DP/552/Add.2 UNDP financial regulations and rules
Addendum 2
DP/552/Add.2/Corr.1 UNDP financial regulations and rules
Addendum 2
DP/552/Add.3 UNDP financial regulations and rules
Addendum 3
DP/553 UNDP financial regulations and rules
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/554 United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
DP/554/Corr.1 United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
DP/555 Sectoral support
DP/556 Agency support costs
DP/556/Add.1 Agency support costs
DP/556/Add.2 Financial, Budgetary and Administrative Matters
Support costs and flexibility measures
DP/557 Financial, Budgetary and Administrative Matters
Audit reports
DP/558 Government execution and management; project design, monitoring and
evaluation; and UNDP-financed experts
DP/558/Corr.1 Government execution and management; project design, monitoring and
evaluation; and UNDP-financed experts
DP/559 Inter-Agency Procurement Services Unit
Report of the Administrator
DP/560 Action taken in 1980 by organs of the United Nations and related agencies
DP/560/Add.1 Action taken in 1980 by organs of the United Nations and related agencies
DP/561 Information on the relations between UNDP and external institutions
DP/562 Further consideration of the organization of the sessions of the Council
Streamlining and rationalization of the work of the Governing Council
DP/562/Corr.1 Further consideration of the organization of the sessions of the Council
Streamlining and rationalization of the work of the Governing Council
Note by the Administrator
DP/563 Fisheries vessels pool
DP/564 Assistance for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Uganda
DP/565 Indicative planning figures for 1982-1986
DP/566 Request by the International Telecommunication Union
for additional support cost reimbursement for 1980
DP/566/Corr.1 Request by the International Telecommunication Union
for additional support cost reimbursement for 1980
DP/566/Add.1 Request by the International Telecommunication Union
for additional support cost reimbursement for 1980
DP/567 Report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/BFC/L.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Draft decision
DP/BFC/L.2 Draft decision
Agency support costs
DP/BFC/L.2/Corr.1 Draft decision
Agency support costs
DP/FPA/12 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Proposed projects and programmes
DP/FPA/12/Add.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Ethiopia
DP/FPA/12/Add.10 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Nigeria
DP/FPA/12/Add.11 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Yemen
DP/FPA/12/Add.12 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Pakistan
DP/FPA/12/Add.13 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Egypt
DP/FPA/12/Add.14 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Morocco
DP/FPA/12/Add.15 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Tunisia
DP/FPA/12/Add.16 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
World Fertility Survey
DP/FPA/12/Add.17 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to selected major intercountry programmes
DP/FPA/12/Add.2 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Guinea
DP/FPA/12/Add.3 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Gambia
DP/FPA/12/Add.4 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Ecuador
DP/FPA/12/Add.5 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Benin
DP/FPA/12/Add.6 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic
DP/FPA/12/Add.7 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Haiti
DP/FPA/12/Add.8 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Royal Government of Bhutan
DP/FPA/12/Add.9 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Sri Lanka
DP/GC/BGD/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Bangladesh
for the period 1980-1985
DP/GC/BGD/R.3/Corr.1 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Bangladesh
for the period 1980-1985
DP/GC/BGD/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Bangladesh
for the period 1980-1985
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/BHU/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Bhutan
for the period 1980-1985
DP/GC/BHU/R.3/RECOMMENDATION Country programme of the Government of Bhutan
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/BUL/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Bulgaria
for the period 1982-1986
DP/GC/BUL/R.3/RECOMMENDATION Country programme of the Government of Bulgaria
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/CUB/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Cuba
for the period 1982-1986
DP/GC/CUB/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Cuba
for the period 1982-1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/EGY/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Egypt
for the period 1982-1986
DP/GC/EGY/R.3/Corr.1 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Egypt
for the period 1982-1986
DP/GC/EGY/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Egypt
for the period 1982-1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/KEN/R4 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Kenya
for the period 1982-1986
DP/GC/KEN/R4/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Kenya
for the period 1982-1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/MAR/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Mauritius
for the period 1982-1986
DP/GC/MAR/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Mauritius
for the period 1982-1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/MDV/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Maldives
for the period 1982-1986
DP/GC/MDV/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Maldives
for the period 1982-1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/NEP/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Nepal
for the period 1982-1986
DP/GC/NEP/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Nepal
for the period 1982-1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/PHI/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of the Philippines
for the period January 1982 - December 1986
DP/GC/PHI/R.3/Corr.1 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of the Philippines
for the period January 1982 - December 1986
DP/GC/PHI/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of the Philippines
for the period January 1982 - December 1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/PHI/R.3/RECOMMENDATION/Corr.1 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of the Philippines
for the period January 1982 - December 1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/POL/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Poland
for the period January 1981 - December 1985
DP/GC/POL/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Poland
for the period January 1981 - December 1985
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/PRC/R.2 UNDP assistance requested by the Government
of the People's Republic of the Congo for the period 1981-1986
DP/GC/PRC/R.2/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government
of the People's Republic of the Congo for the period 1981-1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/RWA/R.3 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Rwanda
for the period January 1982 - December 1986
DP/GC/RWA/R.3/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Rwanda
for the period January 1982 - December 1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/VIE/R.2 UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Viet Nam
for the period January 1982 - December 1986
DP/GC/VIE/R.2/RECOMMENDATION UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Viet Nam
for the period January 1982 - December 1986
Note by the Administrator
DP/GC/XXVIII/CRP.1 UNDP: Planning for the 1980s
Comments by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
DP/INF.28 Status of pre-session documents
DP/INF.29 Checklist of decisions adopted by the Governing Council at its
first through its twenty-seventh sessions
DP/INF.30 Integrated Systems Improvement Project
DP/INF.31/Rev.1 List of representatives
DP/INF.32 UNDP: Planning for the 1980s
Communication received from the Director-General of the
International Labour Organization
DP/INF.33 Background note on trust funds, funds and programmes
administered by UNDP
DP/INF.34 United Nations Capital Development Fund
Implementation of the partial funding system
DP/L.341 Provisional agenda of the twenty-eighth session of the Governing Council
DP/L.342 Organization of work of the twenty-eighth session
DP/L.343 to
Report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/L.344 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
DP/L.344/Add.1 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 1
DP/L.344/Add.2 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 2
DP/L.344/Add.3 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 3
DP/L.344/Add.4 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 4
DP/L.344/Add.5 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 5
DP/L.344/Add.6 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 6
DP/L.344/Add.7 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 7
DP/L.344/Add.7/Annex Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 7
DP/L.344/Add.8 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 8
DP/L.344/Add.8/Annex Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 8
DP/L.344/Add.9 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 9
DP/L.344/Add.9/Annex Adoption of the Report of the Governing Council to the Economic and
Social Council at its Second Regular Session, 1981
Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session, 1981
Addendum 9
DP/L.344/Add.10 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
DP/L.344/Add.10/Annex Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
DP/L.344/Add.11 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 11
DP/L.344/Add.11/Annex Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 11
DP/L.344/Add.12 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 12
DP/L.344/Add.12/Annex Adoption of the Report of the Governing Council to the Economic and
Social Council at its second regular session, 1981
Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 12
DP/L.344/Add.13 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 13
DP/L.344/Add.13/Annex Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 13
DP/L.344/Add.13/Annex/Corr.1 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 13
DP/L.344/Add.13/Annex/Corr.1 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 13
DP/L.344/Add.14 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 14
DP/L.344/Add.15 Draft report of the Governing Council on its twenty-eighth session
Addendum 15
DP/L.345 Programme planning and preparation for the third programming cycle,
Pre-investment activities
Draft decision
DP/L.345/Rev.1 Pre-investment activities
Draft decision proposed by Argentina and the Netherlands
Revision 1
DP/L.345/Rev.2 Pre-investment activities
Draft decision proposed by Argentina and the Netherlands
Revision 2
DP/L.346 Implementation of the plan of action to combat desertification in the
Sudano-Sahelian region
Draft decision submitted by the Gambia
DP/L.348 Implementation of the medium-term and long-term recovery and
rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region
Draft decision submitted by the Gambia
DP/L.349 Assistance to drought-stricken countries in Africa
Draft decision submitted by the Gambia
DP/L.350 United Nations Capital Development Fund
Draft decision proposed by Bangladesh, the Gambia and the Netherlands
DP/L.351 United Nations Interim Fund for Science and Technology for Development
Draft decision
DP/L.352 United Nations Capital Development Fund
Report of the Working Group of Government Experts
Draft decision proposed by the Netherlands
DP/L.352/Rev.1 United Nations Capital Development Fund
Report of the Working Group of Government Experts
Draft decision
DP/L.353 United Nations Technical Co-operation Activities
Draft decision submitted by Fiji
DP/L.354 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Draft decision
DP/L.355 Establishment of intersessional meetings on the Budgetary
and Finance Committee of the UNDP Governing Council
Draft decision submitted by Canada
DP/L.356 Assistance to the National Liberation movements
recognized by the Organization of African Unity
Draft decision submitted by Uganda
DP/L.357 Proposed revisions of the rule of procedure of the Governing Council
DP/L.358 Establishment of a UNDP study programme
Draft decision submitted by the Chairman of the Working Group
DP/L.359 Assistance for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Uganda
Draft decision presented by Uganda, Egypt, Liberia and Rwanda
DP/L.360 Government execution and management; project design, monitoring
and evaluation; and UNDP-financed experts
Draft decision proposed by the Working Group
DP/L.361 Preparation for the third programming cycle, 1982-1986
Draft decision
DP/L.362 Technical Co-operation Among Developing Countries
Draft decision proposed by Argentina, the Gambia and India
DP/L.363 TCDC and policies, rules and procedures of UNDP
Draft decision proposed by Argentina, the Gambia and India
DP/L.364 Improvement of the methods and procedures for the recruitment of
project professional staff and consultants
Draft decision submitted by the Chairman of the Working Group
DP/L.364/Corr.1 Improvement of the methods and procedures for the recruitment of
project professional staff and consultants
Draft decision submitted by the Chairman of the Working Group
DP/L.365 Programme planning
Draft decision proposed by the Chairman of the Working Group
DP/L.366 Country and intercountry programming and projects
Draft decision
DP/L.367 Enhancing the capabilities of maritime transport training
institutions in the developing countries
Draft decision proposed by Egypt, India and Liberia
DP/L.368 Assistance to Lebanon
Draft decision submitted by Austria, Belgium, Colombia,
Cuba, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Kuwait, Liberia,
Pakistan, Romania and Yemen
DP/L.369 Provisional agenda for the twenty-ninth session
DP/L.369/Rev.1 Provisional agenda for the twenty-ninth session
Revision 1
DP/L.370 Report of the Administrator for 1980
Draft decision submitted by Bangladesh
DP/L.371 Information on agency regular and extrabudgetary technical
co-operation expenditures in 1980 financed from sources other than UNDP
Draft decision
DP/L.372 The United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries
Draft decision proposed by the Working Group
DP/L.373 Streamlining and rationalization of the work of the Council
DP/L.374 Financial, Budgetary and Administrative Matters
Draft decision submitted by the Netherlands
DP/NRE/PROJECTS/1 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Exploration for kaolin in Benin
DP/NRE/PROJECTS/2 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Investigation on the offshore phosphate deposits
(Point Noire sector) in Congo
DP/NRE/PROJECTS/3 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Mineral exploration in the Adrar Des Iforas
DP/NRE/PROJECTS/4 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Mineral exploration in the Province of Chubut
DP/PROJECTS/R.14 Country and intercountry programmes and projects
Project recommendations of the Administrator
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.1 Special programme for research and training in
tropical diseases (phase II)
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.2 International centre of insect physiology and ecology -
Development of long-range means of control of crop and
livestock pests and diseases
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.2/Corr.1 International centre of insect physiology and ecology -
Development of long-range means of control of crop and
livestock pests and diseases
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.3 Testing and demonstration of small-scale solar-powered
pumping systems
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.4 Research and development in integrated resource recovery
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.5 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT) - West African sorghum and millet improvement
programme (phase III)
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.5/Corr.1 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT) - West African sorghum and millet improvement
programme (phase III)
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.6 Research, training and production programme for nutritional-quality
quality maize, supported by farm-level surveys
DP/PROJECTS/R.14/Add.6/Corr.1 Research, training and production programme for nutritional-quality
quality maize, supported by farm-level surveys
DP/RP/23 United Nations Technical Co-operation Activities
Report of the Secretary-General
DP/RP/24 United Nations Technical Co-operation Activities
Statistical Information for 1980
Report of the Secretary-General
E/1981/23 Report of the Working Group of Government Experts on the United
Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Document Preparations for the third programming cycle 1982/1986
Document Working Group of the UNDP Governing Council
Revised draft decision submitted by the Gambia
Document Improvement of the methods and procedures for the recruitment
of project professional staff and consultants
Draft decision submitted by Argentina and Turkey
Document Draft decision
United Nations Conference on LDCs
Document List of documents
Governing Council
28th Session, June 1981, (New York)
TCDC/2/19 Report of the High-Level Committee on the work of its second session

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