Governing Council
Thirty-third session, 1986

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Symbol Document description
A/40/5/Add.7 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Board of Auditors
A/40/656/Add.1 United Nations development system support to the implementation
of the Buenos Aires plan of action on technical co-operation
among developing countries
Comments of the administrative committee on Co-ordination
DP/1985/65 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical co-operation expenditures in 1984 financed from
sources other than UNDP
DP/1986 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical co-operation expenditures in 1985 financed from
sources other than UNDP
DP/1986/1 Fourth cycle IPFs calculated on the basis of
Governing Council decision 85/16
DP/1986/2 Preparations for the fourth programming cycle, 1986-1991
Special Programme Resources
DP/1986/6 United Nations Development Fund for Women
Budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987
DP/1986/6/Corr.1 United Nations Development Fund for Women
Budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987
DP/1986/7 Revised Guidelines for the United Nations regular
programme of technical cooperation
DP/1986/8 UNDP field offices in Belgrade and Bucharest
DP/1986/9 Determination of front-line States
DP/1986/10 Human resources development: issues and implications
DP/1986/10/Add.1 Human resources development: issues and implications
Report of the Tokyo Workshop on Human Resources Development
DP/1986/11 Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Introduction by the Administrator
DP/1986/11/Add.1 Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Main programme record
DP/1986/11/Add.2/Part I Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Country project results: by region
DP/1986/11/Add.2/Part II Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Project results: Global and Interregional Programme and special funds
DP/1986/11/Add.3 Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Statistical annex
Basic programme data
DP/1986/11/Add.4 Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Statistical annex
Supplementary programme data
DP/1986/11/Add.5/Part I Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Statistical annex
Subcontracts awarded
DP/1986/11/Add.5/Part II Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Statistical annex
Equipment ordered
DP/1986/11/Add.6 Annual Report of the Administrator for 1985
Statistical annex
UNDP-administered special funds: contributions and expenditures
DP/1986/12 Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
DP/1986/13 Implementation of measures to improve
programme and project quality
DP/1986/14 Women in Development: implementation strategy
DP/1986/15 Activities in the field of drug abuse control
DP/1986/16 Measures to promote better understanding of the role and activities
of UNDP and of the resource needs of the Programme
DP/1986/17 Implementation of the substantial new programme of action
for the 1980s for the least developed countries
DP/1986/18 Focal point for short-term advisory services
DP/1986/19 Progress report on pre-investment activities
DP/1986/20 Evaluation
Report of the Administrator
DP/1986/21 Assistance to national liberation movements recognized in its
area by the Organization of African Unity
DP/1986/22 Assistance to the Palestinian People
DP/1986/23 Indicative planning figure for Namibia
DP/1986/24 Implementation of decisions adopted by the
Governing Council at previous sessions
Procurement from developing countries
DP/1986/25 Trends and problems in the country programmes submitted
to the Governing Council for consideration and approval
DP/1986/25/Add.1 Trends and problems in the country programmes submitted
to the Governing Council for consideration and approval
DP/1986/25/Corr.1 Trends and problems in the country programmes submitted
to the Governing Council for consideration and approval
DP/1986/26 Implementation of selected country programmes in the Africa region
Report of the Administrator
DP/1986/27 Implementation of selected country programmes
in the Arab States region, 1985
DP/1986/28 Implementation of selected country programmes
in the Asia and Pacific region
DP/1986/29 Implementation of country programmes in Europe 1985
DP/1986/30 Implementation of selected country programmes
in Latin America and the Caribbean
DP/1986/32/Part I United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director for 1985
Part I
DP/1986/32/Part II United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director for 1985
Part II
DP/1986/33 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Supplementary information on the work in 1985
of agencies and organizations executing UNFPA-funded
programmes and projects
DP/1986/34/Part I United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on allocations to projects in 1985
Part I
DP/1986/34/Part II United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on allocations to projects in 1985
Part II
DP/1986/35 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Final report on the review and reassessment and
work plan for 1987-1990 and request for approval authority
DP/1986/36 Report of the Executive Director on the status of financial
implementation of Governing Council-approved
UNFPA country programmes and projects
DP/1986/37 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on the evaluation activities of UNFPA
DP/1986/38 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director regarding the experience gained
by the Fund in using the present set of criteria for selecting
priority countries
DP/1986/39 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director clarifying the definition of
intercountry activities and reviewing the possibility of
a revision of the definition and the target
DP/1986/40 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on the programmes of the
regional and interregional demographic
training and research centres
DP/1986/41 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on personnel management
policies and practices of UNFPA and recommendations thereon
DP/1986/42 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on draft guidelines
for determining projected-related and administrative-related
personnel expenditures
DP/1986/43 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report on implementation of personnel decisions
of the Governing Council as requested in
decision 85/20 I, paragraph 12
DP/1986/44 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Proposed prototype for a future UNFPA budget format
DP/1986/45 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Annual financial review, 1985
DP/1986/45/Corr.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Annual financial review, 1985
DP/1986/46 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Audited accounts of executing agencies
DP/1986/47 Proposed prototype for a future UNFPA budget format
Revised budget estimates for the 1986-1987 biennium
DP/1986/56 Annual review of the financial situation, 1985
Report of the Administrator
DP/1986/56/Add.1 Annual review of the financial situation
Net flow of contributions by donor and recipient Governments
DP/1986/58 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987
Report of the Administrator
DP/1986/59 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1987
Government contributions to local office costs, 1985
DP/1986/60 Revised budget estimates for 1986 and budget estimates for 1987
Trust funds established in 1985
Government contributions to local costs, 1985
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1986/61 Trust funds established by the Administrator in 1985
DP/1986/61/Add.1 Summary financial information on all trust funds
established by the Administrator since 1981
DP/1986/61/Corr.1 Summary financial information on all trust funds
established by the Administrator since 1981
DP/1986/62 Trust funds conditioned on procurement from the donor country
Report of the Administrator
DP/1986/63 Matters on which consensus was not achieved
at the thirty-second session
DP/1986/64 Financial, Budgetary and Administrative Matters
Audit reports
DP/1986/64/Add.1 Audit Reports
DP/1986/65 Agency support costs
Ex post factor report on agency support costs
DP/1986/66 Sectoral support
DP/1986/68 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical co-operation expenditures in 1985 financed from
sources other than UNDP
DP/1986/69 Action taken by other organs of the United Nations System in 1985
DP/1986/69/Add.1 Action taken by other organs of the United Nations System in 1985
DP/1986/69/Add.1/Corr.1 Action taken by other organs of the United Nations System in 1985
DP/1986/70 Status of documents
DP/1986/71 Budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1986/72 Implementation of the results of job classification
for the General Service category in UNDP
DP/1986/74 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Revised budget estimates for the 1986-1987 biennium
DP/1986/74/Add.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Revised budget estimates for the 1986-1987 biennium
Supplementary data on the UNFPA field programme support offices
DP/1986/74/Corr.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Revised budget estimates for the 1986-1987 biennium
DP/1986/76 Organizational meeting for 1986
DP/1986/77 Annotations to the provisional agenda
Note by the secretariat
DP/1986/78 Special Programme Resources
DP/1986/79 Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters
List of documents
DP/1986/80 Request of the International Telecommunications Union
for additional support cost reimbursement
DP/1986/81 Mobilization of supplementary resources
The Projects Annotated Listing (PAL) modality
DP/1986/83 The fourth programming cycle
Determining the per capita GNP for Bulgaria and Poland
DP/1986/83/Corr.1 The fourth programming cycle
Determining the per capita GNP for Bulgaria and Poland
DP/1986/84 Special Programme Resources
DP/1986/86 Report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.1 Provisional agenda and organization of work of the
Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.1 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 1
Trust funds conditioned on procurement from the donor country
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.1/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 1, annex
Trust funds conditioned on procurement from the donor country
Recommendation of the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.2 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 2
Audit reports
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.2/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 2, annex
Audit reports
Recommendation of the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.3 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 3
Programme planning: fourth programming cycle
Special Programme Resources
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.3/Annex I Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 3, annex
Further discussion in the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.4 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 4
Annual review of the financial situation, 1985
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.4/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 4, annex
Annual review of the financial situation, 1985
Recommendation of the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.5 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 5
Matters on which consensus was not achieved
at the thirty-second session
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.5/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 5, annex
Matters on which consensus was not achieved
at the thirty-second session
Recommendation of the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.6 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 6
Agency support costs - Ex Post Facto report
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.6/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 6, annex
Ex post facto report on agency support costs
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.7 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 7
ITU request for additional support cost reimbursement
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.7/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 7, annex
ITU request for additional support cost reimbursement
Further discussion in the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.8 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 8
Trust funds established by the Administrator in 1985
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.9 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 9
Revised budget estimates for 1986 and budget estimates for 1987
and Government contributions to local office costs
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.10 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 10
Guidelines for the procurement of equipment, supplies and services
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.10/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 10, annex
Guidelines for the procurement of equipment, supplies and services
Recommendation of the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.11 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 11
UNDP financial regulations
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.11/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 11, annex
Draft decision
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.12 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 12
Field offices in Belgrade and Bucharest
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.13 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 13
United Nations Volunteers Programme
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.14 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 14
Matters Referred to the Committee by the Plenary
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.15 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 15
Special Programme Resources: Transportation and Communication
Decade in Asia and the Pacific region
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.16 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 16
Matters referred to the Committee by the Council
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.17 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 17
United Nations Fund for Population Activities
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.17/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 17, annex
United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Financial, budgetary and personnel matters
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.18 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 18
Women in Development, implementation strategy
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.18/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 18, annex
Women in Development, implementation strategy
Recommendation of the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.19 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 19
Financial structure of the UNDP administrative system
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.19/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 19, annex
Recommendation of the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.20 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 20
United Nations financing system for Science and Technology
for Development
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.20/Annex Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 20, annex
Further discussion of the Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.21 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 21
Financial implications of matters referred to the
Committee by the Council
DP/1986/BFC/L.2/Add.22 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 22
Assistance to the Palestinian People
DP/1986/BFC/L.3 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Amendments to the draft report of the Budgetary
and Finance Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.3/Add.1 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 1
United Nations financing system for Science and Technology
for Development
DP/1986/BFC/L.3/Add.2 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 2
Amendments to the draft decision on the United Nations Fund
for Population Activities: financial, budgetary and personnel matters
DP/1986/BFC/L.3/Add.3 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 3
Amendments to the draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1986/BFC/L.3/Add.4 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 4
DP/1986/BFC/L.3/Add.5 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 5
DP/1986/BFC/L.3/Add.6 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 6
DP/1986/INF.3 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Note by the Executive Director
on the establishment of an endowment fund
DP/1986/INF.4/Rev.2 List of representatives
DP/1986/INF.5 Other matters
Letter dated 10 June 1986 addressed to the President of the UNDP
Governing Council by the heads of delegation of Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary
Mongolia, Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
to DP/1986/L.10/Add.20
Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Group to the Plenary
DP/1986/L.11 and
DP/1986/L.11/Corr.1and Corr.2
Report by the President on the work and decisions of
the Committee of the Whole
DP/1986/L.12/Rev.1 Expression of appreciation to Bradford Morse
Administrator of UNDP, 1976-1986
Submitted by the President on behalf of all the members of the Council
DP/1986/L.13 Special measures for Mauritania
Draft decision submitted by the African Group, Socialist State of
Eastern Europe, Arab States, India, Bangladesh
DP/1986/L.13/Rev.1 Assistance to Mauritania, Kiribati and Tuvalu
Draft decision submitted by the President of the Council
DP/1986/L.14 Draft decision submitted by Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Special needs of island developing countries
DP/1986/L.15 Evaluation
Draft decision
DP/1986/L.2 Provisional agenda
DP/1986/L.2/Add.1 Provisional agenda
DP/1986/L.8 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Proposed projects and programmes
DP/1986/L.9 Provisional agenda and organization of work of the
thirty-third session
DP/1986/L.9/Add.1 Provisional Agenda and organization of work of the
Thirty-third session
DP/CP/ANL/1 First country programme for Anguilla
DP/CP/ARU/1 First country programme for Aruba
DP/CP/BAR/4 Fourth country programme for Barbados
DP/CP/BAR/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Barbados
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/BGD/4 Fourth country programme for Bangladesh
DP/CP/BGD/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Bangladesh
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/BUL/4 Fourth country programme for Bulgaria
DP/CP/BUL/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Bulgaria
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/BZE/3 Fourth country programme for Belize
DP/CP/CAY/2 Fourth country programme for the Cayman Islands
DP/CP/CKI/2 Second country programme for Cook Islands
DP/CP/CPR/2 Second country programme for China
DP/CP/CPR/2/Corr.1 Second country programme for China
DP/CP/CPR/NOTE/2 Second country programme for China
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/CUB/4 Fourth country programme for Cuba
DP/CP/CUB/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Cuba
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/ECU/4 Fourth country programme for Ecuador
DP/CP/ELS/4 Fourth country programme for El Salvador
DP/CP/ETH/4 Fourth country programme for Ethiopia
DP/CP/ETH/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Ethiopia
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/HUN/4 Fourth country programme for Hungary
DP/CP/HUN/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Hungary
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/JAM/4 Fourth country programme for Jamaica
DP/CP/JAM/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Jamaica
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/KIR/2 Second country programme for Kiribati
DP/CP/LAO/4 Fourth country programme for the Lao People's Democratic Republic
DP/CP/LAO/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/MAT/4 Fourth country programme for Malta
DP/CP/MAT/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Malta
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/MAU/3 Third country programme for Mauritania
DP/CP/MAU/NOTE/3 Third country programme for Mauritania
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/MDV/Extension I Extension of the third country programme for Maldives
DP/CP/MON/4 Fourth country programme for Mongolia
DP/CP/NAN/2 Second country programme for the Netherlands Antilles
DP/CP/NEP/4 Fourth country programme for Nepal
DP/CP/NEP/4/Corr.1 Fourth country programme for Nepal
DP/CP/NEP/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Nepal
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/NIC/4 Fourth country programme for Nicaragua
DP/CP/NIU/3 Third country programme for Niue
DP/CP/NIU/3/Corr.1 Third country programme for Niue
DP/CP/PAR/4 Fourth country programme for Paraguay
DP/CP/PER/4 Fourth country programme for Peru
DP/CP/PER/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Peru
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/PHI/4 Fourth country programme for the Philippines
DP/CP/PHI/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for the Philippines
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/PNG/4 Fourth country programme for Papua New Guinea
DP/CP/POL/4 Fourth country programme for Poland
DP/CP/POL/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Poland
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/RWA/4 Fourth country programme for Rwanda
DP/CP/RWA/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Rwanda
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/SAM/4 Fourth country programme for Samoa
DP/CP/SAU/4 Fourth country programme for Saudi Arabia
DP/CP/SAU/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Saudi Arabia
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/SEY/3 Third country programme for Seychelles
DP/CP/SOI/4 Fourth country programme for the Solomon Islands
DP/CP/SOM/4 Fourth country programme for Somalia
DP/CP/SOM/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Somalia
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/STH/1 First country programme for St. Helena
DP/CP/SUR/3 Third country programme for Suriname
DP/CP/TOK/2 Second country programme for Tokelau
DP/CP/TUN/4 Fourth country programme for Tunisia
DP/CP/TUV/2 Second country programme for Tuvalu
DP/CP/VAN/2 Second country programme for Vanuatu
DP/CP/VIE/3 Third country programme for Vietnam
DP/CP/VIE/NOTE/3 Fourth country programme for Vietnam
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/YUG/4 Fourth country programme for Yugoslavia
DP/CP/YUG/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Yugoslavia
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/ZIM/2 Second country programme for Zimbabwe
DP/CP/ZIM/NOTE/2 Second country programme for Zimbabwe
Note by the Administrator
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/26 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Assistance to the Government of Zaire
Support of a comprehensive population programme
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/27 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Assistance to the Government of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea
Support to the national population programme
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/28 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Assistance to the Government of Pakistan
Support to the national population programme
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/29 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Assistance to the Government of Egypt
Support of a comprehensive population programme
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/30 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Assistance to the Government of Mozambique
Support of a comprehensive population programme
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/31 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Assistance to the Government of Jordan
Support of a comprehensive population programme
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/32 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Assistance to the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic
Support of a comprehensive population programme
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/33 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Global training programme in population and development
Establishment of the International Centre for Training and Research
in Population and Development in Association with the United Nations,
at the Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
DP/PROJECTS/REC/19 International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology -
Field testing and demonstration of integrated pest management
strategies (GLO/86/001)
E/1985/3/Add.3 United Nations technical co-operation in Central America
and the Caribbean
Comments of the Secretary-General

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