Governing Council
Thirty-second session, 1985

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Symbol Document description
A/40/392  E/1985/117 Countries stricken by desertification and drought
Preliminary report of the Secretary-General
DP/1985/1 Resource levels and their uses: alternative scenarios
DP/1985/1/Corr.1 Resource levels and their uses: alternative scenarios
DP/1985/1/Annex Resource levels and their uses: alternative scenarios
Statistical tables
DP/1985/1/Annex/Corr.1 Resource levels and their uses: alternative scenarios
Statistical tables
DP/1985/2 Waiver of the 10-week rule for certain documents to be submitted
to the Council at its thirty-second session, 4-28 June 1985
DP/1985/3 Annotations to the provisional agenda
DP/1985/3/Add.1 Annotations to the provisional agenda
DP/1985/3/Add.2 Annotations to the provisional agenda
Addendum 2
List of documents
DP/1985/3/Add.4 Annotations to the provisional agenda
Addendum 4
Status of documents
DP/1985/4 Policy review: Co-ordination of external technical co-operation at the
Country level and examination of steps taken by the United Nations
Development Programme to strengthen co-ordination in practice
DP/1985/4/Add.1 Policy review: Co-ordination of external technical co-operation at the
country level and examination of steps taken by the United Nations
Development Programme to strengthen co-ordination in practice
DP/1985/5 Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
Introduction by the Administrator
DP/1985/5/Add.1 Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
Main programme record
DP/1985/5/Add.2/Part I Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
Country project results: by topic
DP/1985/5/Add.2/Part II Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
Project results: Global/Interregional
Programme and special funds
DP/1985/5/Add.3 Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
Statistical annex
Basic programme data
DP/1985/5/Add.4 Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
Statistical annex
Supplementary programme data
DP/1985/5/Add.5/Part I Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
Statistical annex
Subcontracts awarded
DP/1985/5/Add.5/Part II Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
Statistical annex
Equipment ordered
DP/1985/5/Add.6 Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
UNDP-administered special funds: contributions and expenditures
DP/1985/6 Report of the Joint Inspection Unit
DP/1985/6/Corr.1 Report of the Joint Inspection Unit
DP/1985/7 Financial, budgetary and administrative matters
Report of the Administrator
DP/1985/8 Measures to promote better understanding of the role and
activities of UNDP and of the resource needs of the Programme
DP/1985/9 Recent trends in the recruitment, cost and utilization of project
personnel and other personnel working in development co-operation
DP/1985/10 Inter-organizational assessment of women's
participation in development: summary report
DP/1985/11 Implementation of the substantial new programme of action
for the 1980s for the least developed countries
DP/1985/11/Add.1 Implementation of the substantial new programme of action
for the 1980s for the least developed countries
DP/1985/11/Corr.1 Implementation of the substantial new programme of action
for the 1980s for the least developed countries
DP/1985/12 Government execution
DP/1985/13 Evaluation
Report of the Administrator
DP/1985/14 Proposal to establish a human resources facility
DP/1985/15 Action taken to implement General Assembly resolution 38/201
DP/1985/16 Economic and social crisis in Africa: strengthening of field
offices in Africa
DP/1985/17 Assistance to national liberation movements
recognized in its area by the Organization of African Unity
DP/1985/18 Assistance to the Palestinian people
DP/1985/19 Assistance to specific countries
DP/1985/20 Special programming resources
DP/1985/21 Relevant trends and problems in the country programmes
proposed to the Governing Council for consideration and approval
DP/1985/22 Human resources development
DP/1985/23 Implementation of selected country programmes in the
Africa region
DP/1985/24 Implementation of selected country programmes in the
Arab States Region
DP/1985/25 Implementation of selected country programmes in the
Asia and Pacific Region
DP/1985/26 Implementation of selected country programmes in the
Latin America and the Caribbean
DP/1985/27 Implementation of selected country programmes in Europe
DP/1985/28/Part I United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director for 1984 - part I
DP/1985/28/Part II United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director for 1984 - part II
DP/1985/29 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Supplementary information on the work in 1984
of agencies and organizations executing UNFPA-funded
programmes and projects
DP/1985/30/Part I United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on allocations to projects in 1984
DP/1985/30/Part II United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on allocations to projects in 1984
DP/1985/31 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on a problem-oriented
analysis of UNFPA's experience in the family planning area
DP/1985/32 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on the use of incentives
and disincentives in family planning programmes
DP/1985/33 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on progress achieved in improving the
project implementation rate and on obstacles to, and measures to
be taken towards improving, programme and project implementation and monitoring
DP/1985/34 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on the results of the recommendations
of the Policy and Co-ordination Committee of the WHO Special
Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in
Human Reproduction (WHO/HRP) together with a recommendation
for the level of UNFPA funding for WHO/HRP for the period 1986-1989
DP/1985/35 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Update of the review and reassessment and work plan
for 1986-1989 and request for approval authority
DP/1985/36 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on the status of financial
implementation of Governing Council-approved UNFPA
country programmes and projects
DP/1985/36/Add.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Further information on development in regard to the implications
of the recommendations of the International Conference on Population,
1984, for the activities of UNFPA
DP/1985/37 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Executive Director on the implications of the
recommendations of the International Conference on Population,
1984, for the activities of UNFPA
DP/1985/38 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report by the Executive Director on the inclusion
of UNFPA Deputy Representatives and other field and
headquarters posts into the regular manning table
and on the basic manpower requirements of UNFPA
DP/1985/38/Corr.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report by the Executive Director on the inclusion
of UNFPA Deputy Representatives and other field and
headquarters posts into the regular manning table
and on the basic manpower requirements of UNFPA
DP/1985/39 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Biennial budget estimates for the administrative and programme
support services for the biennium 1986-1987
DP/1985/39/Add.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Biennial budget estimates for the administrative and programme
support services for the biennium 1986-1987
DP/1985/39/Corr.1 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Biennial budget estimates for the administrative and programme
support services for the biennium 1986-1987
DP/1985/40 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1985/41 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Audited accounts of participating and executing agencies
DP/1985/42 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Report on the reaction of participating and executing agencies
and the Panel of External Auditors in regard to narrative audit reports
DP/1985/43 United Nations technical cooperation activities
Report of the Secretary-General
DP/1985/43/Add.1 United Nations technical cooperation activities
Report of the Secretary-General
DP/1985/43/Add.2 United Nations technical cooperation activities
Report of the Secretary-General
Other entities and programmes
DP/1985/43/Add.3 United Nations technical cooperation activities
Report of the Secretary-General
Statistical information for 1983
DP/1985/44 Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
DP/1985/44/Add.1 United Nations Volunteers
Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
DP/1985/45 United Nations Capital Development Fund
Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
DP/1985/46 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
DP/1985/46/Add.1 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
Annual report of the Administrator for 1984
DP/1985/48 Report of the High-level Committee on the Review of Technical
Co-operation among Developing Countries on its fourth session
DP/1985/49 United Nations financing system for science and technology
DP/1985/50 Implementation in the Sudano-Sahelian region
of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification
DP/1985/51 Assistance to drought-stricken countries in Africa
DP/1985/52 Programmes in energy development
DP/1985/52/Add.1 Programmes in energy development
DP/1985/53 United Nations Special Fund for Land-Locked
Developing Countries
DP/1985/54 Annual review of the financial situation, 1984
Report of the Administrator
DP/1985/54/Add.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1984
DP/1985/55 Women in Development
Report of the Administrator
DP/1985/56 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1984-1985 and
budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1985/57 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1984-1985 and
budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987
Report of the Administrator
DP/1985/57/Add.1 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1984-1985 and
budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987
Report of the Administrator
DP/1985/57/Corr.1 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1984-1985 and
budget estimates for the biennium 1986-1987
Report of the Administrator
DP/1985/58 Consolidated report on 1986-1987 budgetary and
extrabudgetary expenditure estimates
DP/1985/58/Corr.1 Consolidated report on 1986-1987 budgetary and
extrabudgetary expenditure estimates
DP/1985/59 Trust Funds established by the Administrator in 1984
DP/1985/59/Corr.1 Trust Funds established by the Administrator in 1984
DP/1985/60 Matters on which consensus was not achieved
at the thirty-first session
DP/1985/61 Guidelines for the procurement of equipment, supplies and services
DP/1985/62 Audit reports
DP/1985/62/Add.1 Audit reports
DP/1985/63 Sectoral support
DP/1985/64 The financial structure of the UNDP-administered system
DP/1985/65 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical co-operation expenditures in 1984 financed from sources
other than UNDP
DP/1985/66 Action taken by other organs of the United Nations
system in 1984
DP/1985/66/Add.1 Action taken by other organs of the United Nations
system in 1984
DP/1985/67 Separate indicative planning figure allocation for Aruba
DP/1985/68 United Nations Development Fund for Women
Report of the Administrator
DP/1985/69 Measures to be taken concerning the documentation
of the Governing Council
DP/1985/70 Report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1985/BFC/L.1 Provisional agenda and organization of work
of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1985/BFC/L.1/Add.1 Provisional agenda and organization of work
of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 1
List of documents of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1985/BFC/L.1/Add.2 Provisional agenda and organization of work
of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
Addendum 2
Status of documents of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
and DP/1985/BFC/L.2/Add.1
 to Add.19
Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1985/BFC/L.3 Draft report of the Budgetary and Finance Committee
DP/1985/INF.1 Schedule of submission of country and intercountry programmes
to the Governing Council for consideration and approval
DP/1985/INF.1/Corr.1 Schedule of submission of country and intercountry programmes
to the Governing Council for consideration and approval
DP/1985/INF.2/Rev1 List of representatives
DP/1985/INF.3 Preparations for the fourth programming cycle
DP/1985/INF.4/Rev2 List of representatives
DP/1985/INF.5 Statement by the Permanent Representative of Somalia to the
United Nations to the Governing Council of UNDP at its
thirty-second session
DP/1985/L.1 Provisional agenda
DP/1985/L.2 Provisional agenda
DP/1985/L.3 Adoption of the provisional agenda of the thirty-second session
and other organizational matters
DP/1985/L.5 Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters
DP/1985/L.7 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Recommendation by the Executive Director
Proposed projects and programmes
DP/1985/L.8 Report of the President on the work and decisions of the
Committee of the Whole
and DP/1985/L.9/Add.1/Add.25
Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Group
to the Plenary
Addendum 1 to Addendum 25
DP/1985/L.10 Draft decision submitted by the co-chairman of the working group
on the fourth programming cycle
DP/1985/L.11 Programming
DP/1985/L.12 Draft decision submitted by the co-chairman of the working group
on the fourth programming cycle
DP/1985/WP/1 Working Paper by the chairman of the Drafting Group
DP/1985/WP/1/Add.1 to Add.7 Working Paper by the chairman of the Drafting Group
DP/1985/WP/1/Corr.1 to Corr.8 Working Paper by the chairman of the Drafting Group
DP/1985/WP/2 and Rev1 Integration of issues relevant to women into TCDC
promotional and operational activities
Draft decisions submitted by Bangladesh
DP/1985/WP/3 Mauritania, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia: draft decision
Assistance to the Palestinian people
DP/CP/BGD/Extension 1 Extension of the third country programme for Bangladesh
DP/CP/BHU/4 Fourth country programme for Bhutan
UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Bhutan
for the period 1986-1991
DP/CP/BHU/NOTE/4 Fourth country programme for Bhutan
DP/CP/FIJ/4 Consideration and approval of country programmes
Fourth country programme for Fiji
UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Fiji
for the period 1986-1990
DP/CP/GUA/4 Fourth country programme for Guatemala
UNDP assistance requested by the Government of Guatemala
for the period 1985-1986
DP/CP/IND/3 Third country programme for India
UNDP Assistance requested by the Government of India
for the period April 1985 - March 1990
DP/CP/IND/NOTE/3 Third country programme for India
DP/CP/INS/3 Third country programme for Indonesia
UNDP assistance requested by the Government of the
Republic of Indonesia for the period 1985 - 1989
DP/CP/INS/NOTE/3 Third country programme for Indonesia
DP/CP/SUR/Extension III Extension of the second country programme for Suriname
for the period January-December 1986
DP/CP/TON/4 Fourth country programme of Government of Tonga
UNDP Assistance requested by the Government of Tonga
for the period 1986 - 1990
DP/NRE/PROJECTS/REC/4 Mineral exploration for gold in Rwanda (RWA/NR/83/001)
DP/NRE/PROJECTS/REC/5 Geothermal exploratory drilling at Las Planillas,
Jalisco State, Mexico (MEX/NR/83/001)
DP/NRE/PROJECTS/REC/6 Mineral Exploration in the Migori Area of Kenya
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/16 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Ghana
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/17 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Ivory Coast
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/18 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Sierra Leone
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/19 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Uganda
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/20 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Nicaragua
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/21 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Cuba
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/22 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Brazil
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/23 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Indonesia
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/24 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of India
DP/FPA/PROJECTS/REC/25 United Nations Fund for Population Activities
Assistance to the Government of Bangladesh
DP/PROJECTS/REC/16 Technology transfer on food and forage legumes in
West Asia and North Africa
DP/PROJECTS/REC/17 Research and development of integrated
resource recovery (phase II)
DP/PROJECTS/REC/18 Supplementary assistance for a global project
International Crops Research Institute for the
Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) - West African
sorghum and millet improvement programme
DP/STD/PROJECTS/REC/3 Strengthening the computer education and computing capability
at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
DP/STD/PROJECTS/REC/4 Establishment of the Beijing National Food
Technology and Quality Control Research and Development Centre
E/1985/3 United Nations technical cooperation in Central America
and the Caribbean
Volume I. Central America
E/1985/3/Add.1 United Nations technical cooperation in Central America
and the Caribbean
Volume I. Central America
Comments of the Secretary-General
E/1985/65 Implementation of the medium term and long term recovery and
rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region
Report of the Secretary-General
TCDC/4/6 Progress Report on the utilization or funds from Special Programmes
Resources for action-oriented promotional activities for TCDC
during the period 1983-1985
TCDC/4/9 Use of country IPFs for TCDC Activities
Note by the Administrator

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