First, second, third and annual sessions of the Executive Board, 1994

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Symbol Document description
DP/1994/1 Report of the Administrator on his endeavour to find resources
to enable restoration of indicative planning figures to the
original levels
DP/1994/2 Report on the first regular session
New York, 15-18 February 1994
DP/1994/3 Progress and results of UNDP efforts in Somalia
DP/1994/4 Request from the Government of Albania for "as if" LDC status
DP/1994/5 HIV and Development National Professional Officers
DP/1994/6 Reports on mid-term reviews: an overview
DP/1994/6/Add.1 Mid-term review of the fifth country programme for Zambia
DP/1994/6/Add.2 Mid-term review of the fourth country programme for India
DP/1994/6/Add.3 Mid-term review of the fourth country programme for Indonesia
DP/1994/7 HIV and Development
The proposed Joint and Co-sponsored United Nations
Programme on HIV/AIDS
DP/1994/8 Assistance to Angola
DP/1994/9 Report on the second regular session
DP/1994/10 Annual report of the Administrator for 1993
and programme-level activities
Introduction by the Administrator
DP/1994/10/Add.1 Annual report of the Administrator for 1993
Addendum 1
Main programme record
DP/1994/10/Add.2 Annual report of the Administrator for 1993
and programme-level activities
Statistical annex
DP/1994/10/Add.2/Corr.2 Annual report of the Administrator for 1993
and programme-level activities
Statistical annex
DP/1994/10/Add.3 Annual report of the Administrator for 1993
and programme-level activities
Statistical annex
Subcontracts awarded
DP/1994/10/Add.4 Annual report of the Administrator for 1993
Equipment ordered
DP/1994/10/Add.5 Annual report of the Administrator for 1993
and programme level activities
Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
of interest to the United Nations Development Programme
DP/1994/11 Follow-up to the United Nations Conference on Environment
and Development
DP/1994/12 The role of UNDP in the implementation of the United Nations
New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s
DP/1994/13 Role of the United Nations Development Programme
in humanitarian affairs
DP/1994/14 Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
DP/1994/15 Advancement of the fifth country programme for
the United Republic of Tanzania
DP/1994/16 Impact of the enabling environment of the Sudan on the
implementation of the fourth country programme
DP/1994/17 Assistance to the Union of Myanmar
DP/1994/18 Mid-term review of resources for the fifth programming cycle
DP/1994/19 "Main principles and guidelines for the sixth programming cycle
of the United Nations Development Programme", declaration
adopted in Buenos Aires on 12 April 1994 by Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay
DP/1994/20 Conceptual paper on issues relating to the sixth programming cycle
DP/1994/21 Assistance to the Congo
DP/1994/22 UNDP follow-up to General Assembly resolution 47/199
DP/1994/23 Agency support costs
DP/1994/23/Add.1 Agency support costs
DP/1994/24 Evaluation
Report of the Administrator
DP/1994/24/Corr.1 Evaluation
Report of the Administrator
DP/1994/25 Assistance to Cambodia
DP/1994/26 United Nations technical cooperation activities
Report of the Secretary-General
DP/1994/26/Add.1 United Nations technical cooperation activities
Report of the Secretary-General
Addendum 1
Information on publications and meetings, 1993
DP/1994/26/Add.2 United Nations technical cooperation activities
Report of the Secretary-General
Statistical information for 1993
Addendum 2
DP/1994/27 Office for Project Services
DP/1994/28 United Nations Volunteers
DP/1994/29 United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration,
United Nations Fund for Science and Technology for Development
and Transfer of Technology through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN)
DP/1994/30 Review of the fourth country programme for Equatorial Guinea
DP/1994/31 United Nations international short-term advisory resources
DP/1994/32 Case-by-case approval of programmes and projects for
Aruba, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Netherlands,
Antilles, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago
DP/1994/33 United Nations Capital Development Fund: Options and
modalities for mobilizing additional resources as well
as ways and means for closer cooperation with other
multilateral financing institutions
DP/1994/34 Annual review of the financial situation, 1993
DP/1994/34/Corr.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1993
Report of the Administrator
DP/1994/34/Add.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1993
Report of the Administrator
Addendum 1
DP/1994/34/Add.1/Corr.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1993
Addendum 1
DP/1994/34/Add.2 Trust funds established by the Administrator 1981-1992
Addendum 2
DP/1994/34/Add.3 Annual review of the financial situation, 1993
Trust funds established by the Administrator 1993
Addendum 3
DP/1994/34/Add.4 Annual review of the financial situation, 1993
Addendum 4
DP/1994/35 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1994-1995
DP/1994/35/Corr.1 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1994-1995
DP/1994/36 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1994-1995
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1994/37/Add.1 Financial, budgetary and administrative matters
Audit reports
DP/1994/38 Communication received from the Government of South Africa
containing a request to be given recipient status
DP/1994/39 Initiatives for change
Report of the Administrator
DP/1994/40 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical cooperation expenditures financed from sources
other than UNDP
DP/1994/40/Add.1 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical cooperation expenditures financed from sources
other than UNDP
Addendum 1
Explanatory notes
DP/1994/40/Add.2 United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary technical
cooperation expenditures
Addendum 2
DP/1994/41 Mid-term review scheduling
DP/1994/41/Add.1 Mid-term review of the fourth country programme for Cape Verde
DP/1994/41/Add.2 Mid-term review of third country programme for China
DP/1994/42 Assistance to Togo
DP/1994/43 Assistance to Zaire
DP/1994/44 United Nations Population Fund
Report of the Executive Director for 1993
DP/1994/45 United Nations Population Fund
Work plan for 1995-1998 and request for programme
expenditure authority
DP/1994/46 United Nations Population Fund
Periodic report on evaluation
DP/1994/47 United Nations Population Fund
Global initiative on contraceptive requirements and logistics
management needs in developing countries in the 1990s
DP/1994/48 Update on the UNFPA review and assessment exercise
DP/1994/49 United Nations Population Fund
Status of financial implementation of Governing Council-approved
country programmes and projects
DP/1994/50 Interim report on the implementation of the
second UNFPA country programme for Equatorial Guinea
DP/1994/51 Interim report on the implementation of the
third UNFPA population programme of the Government of Rwanda
DP/1994/52 Office for Project Services
Report of the Secretary-General
DP/1994/53 United Nations Population Fund
Annual financial review, 1993
DP/1994/54 United Nations Population Fund
Audit reports
DP/1994/55 Report on the annual session
Geneva, 6-16 June 1994
DP/1994/56 Status of management services agreements
DP/1994/57 Role and functions of the UNOPS Management Coordination
Committee and report of the Executive Director on ways of
establishing the Office as a separate and identifiable entity
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1994/57/Corr.1 Role and Functions of the UNOPS Management Coordination
Committee and report of the Executive Director on ways of
establishing the Office as a separate and identifiable entity
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1994/58 United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office
DP/1994/59 Possible options for a structure for the next programming period
DP/1994/60 Participation of the United Nations Development Programme
in the restructured Global Environment Facility
DP/1994/61 The precise role and functions of the UNOPS
Management Coordination Committee
DP/1994/62 Report of the Executive Director of the Office for
Project Services on ways of establishing the Office
as a separate and identifiable entity
DP/1994/62/Add.1 Report of the Executive Director of the Office for
Project Services on ways of establishing the Office
as a separate and identifiable entity
Addendum 1
DP/1994/62/Add.2 Report of the Executive Director of the Office for
Project Services on ways of establishing the Office
as a separate and identifiable entity
Addendum 2
Proposed annex to UNDP financial regulations and rules
to govern activities of OPS
DP/1994/62/Add.3 Report of the Executive Director of the Office for
Project Services on ways of establishing the Office
as a separate and identifiable entity
Addendum 3
Breakdown of revised budget estimates for the Office of Project
Services for the biennium 1994-1995
DP/1994/62/Add.3/Corr.1 Report of the Executive Director of the Office for
Project Services on ways of establishing the Office
as a separate and identifiable entity
Addendum 3
Breakdown of revised budget estimates for the Office of Project
Services for the biennium 1994-1995
DP/1994/63 "Main principles and guidelines for the sixth programming cycle
of the United Nations Development Programme", declaration
adopted in Santiago on 7 September 1994 by Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay
Note by the Administrator
DP/1994/CRP.1 Report on field visits to Albania and Uzbekistan
DP/1994/CRP.2 Report on field visits to the Philippines and Viet Nam
DP/1994/CRP.3 Report on field visits to the West Bank and Gaza, and Jordan
DP/1994/CRP.4 Participation of the United Nations Development Programme
in the restructured Global Environment Facility
DP/1994/CRP.5 Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
DP/1994/CRP.6 Information on the distribution of Executive Board documentation in
electronic form
Note by the secretariat
DP/1994/CRP.8 "Brasilia Declaration: Development of the main principles
and guidelines for the sixth programming cycle of the United
Nations Development Programme", declaration adopted in
Brasilia on 6 May 1994 by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay
and Uruguay
DP/1994/CRP.9 Report on field visits to Kenya and Zimbabwe
DP/1994/CRP.10 The Decentralization Initiative
DP/1994/CRP.11 Proposed annex to the financial regulations and rules of the
United Nations Development Programme to govern
activities of OPS
Attachment to the memorandum of the Legal Council to the
Executive Director of the Office for Project Services
of 29 September 1994
DP/1994/INF.1 Work programme for 1994-1995
DP/1994/INF.2 Provisional list of representatives
UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board
Third regular session 1994
DP/1994/L.4/Add.1 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 1
The future of UNDP
DP/1994/L.4/Add.1/Annex Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 1
The future of UNDP
DP/1994/L.4/Add.2 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 2
Office for Project Services
DP/1994/L.4/Add.2/Annex Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 2
Matters relating to the programming cycles
Fifth programming cycle
DP/1994/L.4/Add.5 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 5
Follow-up to the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development
DP/1994/L.4/Add.6 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 6
Annual report of the Administrator and related matters
Implementation of General Assembly resolution 47/199
DP/1994/L.4/Add.7 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 7
DP/1994/L.4/Add.8 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 8
Role of UNFPA in the implementation of the United Nations
New agenda for the development of Africa in the 1990s
DP/1994/L.4/Add.9 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 9
Sixth programming cycle
DP/1994/L.4/Add.10 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 10
DP/1994/L.4/Add.11 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 11
Overview of decisions adopted at the annual session
DP/1994/L.4/Add.12 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 12
Annual report of the Executive Director and
programme-level activities
DP/1994/L.4/Add.13 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 13
Update on the review and assessment exercise
DP/1994/L.4/Add.14 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 14
Periodic report on evaluation
DP/1994/L.4/Add.15 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 15
Work plan and financial implementation of programmes
DP/1994/L.4/Add.16 Draft report on the annual session
Addendum 16
Global initiative on contraceptive requirements and logistics
management needs in developing countries in the 1990s
DP/1994/L.5 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/1994/SR.1 First regular session of 1994
Summary record of the 1st meeting
DP/1994/SR.2 First regular session of 1994
Summary record of the 2nd meeting
DP/1994/SR.3 First regular session of 1994
Summary record of the 3rd meeting
DP/1994/SR.4 First regular session of 1994
Summary record of the 4th meeting
DP/1994/SR.5 First regular session of 1994
Summary record of the 5th meeting
DP/1994/SR.6 First regular session of 1994
Summary record of the 6th meeting
DP/1994/SR.7 First regular session of 1994
Summary record of the 7th meeting
DP/1994/SR.8 First regular session of 1994
Summary record of the 8th meeting
DP/CP/ALB/4 Fourth country programme for Albania
DP/CP/GUY/5 Fifth country programme for Guyana
DP/CP/KEN/6 Sixth country programme for Kenya
DP/CP/KHM/1 First country programme for Cambodia
DP/CP/MAG/5 Fifth country programme for Madagascar
DP/CP/SLO/1 First country programme for the Slovak Republic
DP/FPA/CP/135 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of the Republic of Chad
DP/FPA/CP/136 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Zambia
DP/FPA/CP/137 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
DP/FPA/CP/138 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of the Republic of Maldives
DP/FPA/CP/139 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of the Philippines
DP/FPA/CP/140 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Nicaragua
DP/FPA/CP/140/Corr.1 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Nicaragua
DP/RAB/3 Programme planning
Third country programme for the Arab States
Listing of 1994 reports List of reports to the Executive Board 1994

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