Annual session of the Executive Board
March 1996

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Symbol Document description
DP/1995/49 Agency support costs
Report of the Administrator
DP/1996/13 Implementation of the support cost components
of the successor programming arrangements
Report of the Administrator
DP/1996/17 Report on the second regular session
New York, 25-29 March 1996
DP/1996/18 Annual report of the Administrator 1995
Introduction by the Administrator
DP/1996/18/Add.1 Annual report of the Administrator 1995
Main programme record
DP/1996/18/Add.2 Reports of the Economic and Social Council
Report of the Administrator
DP/1996/18/Add.4 Annual report of the Administrator 1995
and programme-level activities
Statistical annex
DP/1996/19 Report on the annual session
Geneva, 6-17 May 1996
DP/1996/20 United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s
Report of the Administrator
DP/1996/22 United Nations Volunteers
Report of the Administrator
DP/1996/23 Organizational changes in the United Nations
Office for Project Services
DP/1996/24 Request from the Government of Namibia for special status
equivalent to that of a least developed country
DP/1996/24/Add.1 Request from the Government of Namibia for special status
equivalent to that of a least developed country
DP/1996/26 Report of the working group on documentation
DP/1996/27 Implementation of Executive Board decision 95/26
DP/1996/28 Annual review of the financial situation, 1995
DP/1996/28/Add.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1995
Addendum 1
New flow of contributions by donor and recipient Governments
DP/1996/28/Add.1/Corr.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1995
Addendum 1
New flow of contributions by donor and recipient Governments
DP/1996/28/Add.2 Annual review of the financial situation, 1995
Addendum 2
Trust funds established by the Administrator
DP/1996/28/Add.2/Corr.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1995
Addendum 2
Trust funds established by the Administrator
DP/1996/30 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1996-1997
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1996/32 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical cooperation expenditures financed from sources
other than UNDP, 1995
DP/1996/35 Accountability in UNDP
Report of the Administrator
DP/1996/36 United Nations Office for Project Services
Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1996-1997
Report of the Executive Director
DP/1996/37 Follow-up to report on the annual session regarding
cost segments at headquarters
DP/1996/CRP.10 Agency support costs system
DP/1996/CRP.11 Rules of procedure
Working group on documentation
DP/1996/CRP.12 Interim report of the president on progress achieved by the
ad hoc open-ended working group on rules of procedure
DP/1996/CRP.13 Outline of UNDP and UNFPA issues proposed for
consideration by the Executive Board in 1997
DP/1996/CRP.14 UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board
Field visit to Malawi and Mozambique
10-21 June 1996
DP/1996/CRP.15 Summary of the statement by the Assistant Administrator and
Director, Bureau for Finance and Administration, at the informal
session of the Executive Board on the report of the Administrator
on the reserve for field accommodation (DP/1996/28/Add.3)
DP/1996/CRP.16 The change management process in UNDP
DP/1996/CRP.17 Initial follow-up to the external evaluation of the United Nations
Development Fund for Women
Response to key recommendations
DP/1996/CRP.18 Update on efforts to follow up on General Assembly Resolution
50/120 on the Triennial Policy Review
DP/1996/L.16 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/1996/L.7/Rev.1 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
Provisional agenda
DP/1997/CRP.3 Implementation of decision 96/40 on management, accountability
and the Reserve for Field Accommodation
DP/CCF/CPR/1 First country cooperation framework for the People's Republic
of China (1996-2000)
DP/CCF/GLO/1 Global cooperation framework
Report of the Administrator
DP/FPA/1996/17/Part I United Nations Population Fund
Report of the Executive Director for 1995
DP/FPA/1996/18 United Nations Population Fund
Work plan for 1997-2000 and request for
programme expenditure authority
DP/FPA/1996/18/Corr.1 United Nations Population Fund
Work plan for 1997-2000 and request for programme expenditure authority
DP/FPA/1996/19 United Nations Population Fund
Status of financial implementation of country programmes and
projects approved by the Governing Council and the Executive Board
DP/FPA/1996/20 United Nations Population Fund
Periodic report on evaluation
DP/FPA/1996/21 United Nations Population Fund
Mission statement
DP/FPA/1996/22 United Nations Population Fund
Annual financial review, 1995
DP/FPA/1996/24 United Nations Population Fund
Request for extension of and additional resources for the UNFPA
country programme for Madagascar
DP/FPA/CP/154 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Honduras
DP/FPA/CP/155 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Sri Lanka
DP/FPA/CP/158 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Viet Nam
List of documents List of documents for the annual session, May 1996, Geneva
List of documents List of documents for the third regular session, September 1996,
New York
Issues outline Outline of UNDP issues proposed for consideration by
the Executive Board in 1997

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