Second regular session of the Executive Board
April 1999

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Symbol Document description
DP/1999/10 Reports to the Economic and Social Council
DP/1999/11 Assistance to Somalia
DP/1999/12 Assistance to Montserrat
DP/1999/12/Corr.1 Assistance to Montserrat
DP/1999/26 UNDP financial risk management; review of operational reserve
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1999/27 The successor programming arrangements
Preliminary earmarkings for the target for resource assignment
from the core for the period 2001-2003
DP/FPA/1999/5 United Nations Population Fund
Reports to the Economic and Social Council
DP/1999/5/Rev.1 UNDP financial risk management; review of operational reserve
DP/1999/8 Report on the first regular session
New York, 25-29 January 1999
DP/1999/9 Decisions adopted by the Executive Board
at its first regular session 1999
25-29 January 1999
DP/1999/CRP.5 Common premises and services
Progress report on the United Nations House programme
DP/1999/L.2 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/1999/L.2/Corr.1 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/CCF/ARU/1 First country cooperation framework for Aruba, 1999-2001
DP/CCF/ARU/1/Corr.1 First country cooperation framework for Aruba, 1999-2001
DP/FPA/1999/4 Progress report on improvements implemented in the operation of
the UNFPA technical support services system
DP/FPA/1999/6 UNFPA support for reproductive health in emergency situations
DP/FPA/1999/CRP.1 UNFPA and sector-wide approaches
DP/FPA/1999/CRP.2 The multi-year planning, management and funding framework
Follow-up to decision 98/24 on UNFPA funding strategy
DP/FPA/BEN/5 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Benin

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