First regular session of the Executive Board
January 1999

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Symbol Document description
DP/1998/CRP.13 UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board field visit to Bangladesh
22 February - 1 March 1998
DP/1998/CRP.14 UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board field visit to Tunisia and Lebanon
9-19 March 1998
DP/1998/CRP.15 UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board field visit to the Republic
of South Africa
1- 9 August 1998
DP/1999/1 Report on the third regular session
New York, 14-16 and 21-22 September 1998
DP/1999/1/Corr.1 Report on the third regular session
New York, 14-16 and 21-22 September 1998
DP/1999/2 Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 1998
DP/1999/3 United Nations Office for Project Services
Follow-up to recommendations of the report of the
Board of Auditors for the biennium 1996-1997
DP/1999/4 The Global Environment Facility, the Multilateral Fund for the
Montreal Protocol programme, the Office to Combat
Desertification and Drought and the United Nations Revolving
Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
DP/1999/5 UNDP financial risk management;  review of operational reserve
DP/1999/5/Corr.1 UNDP Financial Risk Management;  review of operational reserve
DP/1999/6 Harmonization of budgets, UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF
DP/1999/7 Harmonization of budgets, UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF
Report of the Advisory Committee
on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
DP/1999/CRP.4 The multi-year funding framework
DP/1999/L.1 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/CCF/KEN/1 First country cooperation framework for Kenya, 1999-2003
DP/CCF/MAG/1 First country cooperation framework for Madagascar, 1999-2003
DP/CCF/NER/1 First country cooperation framework for the Niger, 1999-2001
DP/CCF/SUR/1 First country cooperation framework for Suriname, 1999-2001
DP/CCF/TAJ/1 First country cooperation framework for Tajikistan, 1999-2000
DP/FPA/BDI/4 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Burundi
DP/FPA/MDG/4 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Madagascar

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