First and second sessions of the Executive Board
January and March 1996

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Session table of contents First and second regular sessions of the UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board
Table of contents
DP/1995/54 Report on the third regular session
New York, 11-15 September 1995
DP/1996/1 Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 1995
DP/1996/2 Initiatives for change: follow-up to decision 95/22, paragraph 4
DP/1996/5 UNDP cooperation with Aruba
DP/1996/6 UNDP cooperation with Trinidad and Tobago
DP/1996/7 Activities of the Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office
DP/1996/8 United Nations technical cooperation activities
Report of the Secretary-General
DP/1996/9 Follow-up to and preparation for the Economic and Social Council
DP/1996/10 Support for and collaboration with the Joint and Co-sponsored
United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS)
DP/1996/12 Reports on mid-term reviews: an overview
DP/1996/12/Add.1 Mid-term review of the fourth country programme for Mozambique
DP/1996/12/Add.2 Mid-term review of the fifth country programme for
the Lao People's Democratic Republic
DP/1996/12/Add.3 Mid-term review of the first country programme for
the Republic of Yemen
DP/1996/12/Add.4 Mid-term review of the fifth country programme for Brazil
DP/1996/12/Add.5 Mid-term review of the fifth country programme for Romania
DP/1996/14 Evaluation
Report of the Administrator
DP/1996/15 Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
Draft report of the Secretary-General on enhancing the internal
oversight mechanism in operational funds and programmes
DP/1996/L.1 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/1996/L.6 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/1996/L.6/Corr.1 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/CP/FIJ/5/Extension I Extension of the fifth country programme for Fiji
DP/CP/TON/5/Extension I Extension of the fifth country programme for Tonga
DP/FPA/1996/1 A new approach for the allocation of UNFPA resources
to country programmes
DP/FPA/1996/2 Future role of UNFPA in assessing and meeting the unmet needs for
contraceptives and the requirements for logistics management
DP/FPA/1996/3 United Nations Population Fund
Global contraceptive commodity programme
DP/FPA/1996/4 UNFPA support and collaboration in the
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
DP/FPA/1996/5 United Nations Population Fund
Background note on possible membership of the UNDP/UNFPA
Executive Board in the UNICEF/WHO Joint Committee on Health Policy
DP/FPA/1996/6 United Nations Population Fund
Follow-up to and preparations for the Economic and Social Council
DP/FPA/1996/7 Request for extension of and additional resources for the UNFPA
country programme for Mali
DP/FPA/1996/8 Request for additional resources for the UNFPA
country programme for Uganda
DP/FPA/1996/9 Request for additional resources for the UNFPA
country programme for Burkina Faso
DP/FPA/1996/10 United Nations Population Fund
Request for interim assistance for South Africa
DP/FPA/1996/11 South-South cooperation:
UNFPA support to "Partners in Population and Development"
DP/FPA/1996/13 Request for extension of and additional resources for the UNFPA
country programme for Cuba
DP/FPA/1996/14 Effectiveness of UNFPA's publications programme
DP/FPA/1996/15 A revised approach for the allocation of
UNFPA resources to country programmes
DP/FPA/1996/16 Request for extension of and additional resources for the UNFPA
country programme for the Congo
DP/FPA/CP/150 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Chad
DP/FPA/CP/151 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Ghana
DP/FPA/CP/152 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic
DP/FPA/CP/153 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of the Republic of Cape Verde

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