First, second, third and annual sessions of the Executive Board, 1995

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Symbol Document description
DP/1988/4 Report on the United Nations Development Fund for Women
DP/1988/50 United Nations Development Fund for Women
Report of the Administrator
DP/1988/50/Add.2 United Nations Development Fund for Women
Report of the Administrator
DP/1995/1 Decisions adopted by the Executive Board during 1994
DP/1995/5 Terms of reference for UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board field visits
DP/1995/6 Scope and objectives for the United Nations Office for Project Services
and the role and functions of the Management Coordination
Committee and the Users' Advisory Group vis-à-vis the
Executive Board
DP/1995/7 Financial regulations governing the operations of UNOPS
DP/1995/7/Add.1 Financial regulations and rules of
the United Nations Development Programme
Proposed annex
DP/1995/8 Programme priorities and future directions of UNFPA
in light of the International Conference on Population
and Development
DP/1995/10 Follow-up to recommendations of the report of the Board
of Auditors for the biennium 1992-1993
DP/1995/10/Add.1 Follow-up to recommendations of the report of the Board
of Auditors for the biennium 1992-1993 (A/49/5/Add.1)
Three-year plan for the utilization of the reserve
for field accommodation
DP/1995/11 Proposal of the Secretary-General to relocate the headquarters
of the United Nations Volunteers programme from Geneva to Bonn
DP/1995/17 Reports on mid-term reviews: an overview
DP/1995/17/Add.1 Mid-term review of the fifth country programme for Bangladesh
DP/1995/17/Add.2 Mid-term review of the fifth country programme for Chad
DP/1995/17/Add.3 Mid-term review of the fifth country programme for Guatemala
DP/1995/17/Add.4 Mid-term review of the fifth country programme for Malawi
DP/1995/17/Add.5 Report on the mid-term review of the fifth country programmes of
UNDP and of UNFPA for Tunisia
DP/1995/18 Evaluation
Report of the Administrator
DP/1995/19 Least developed countries
Report of the Administrator
DP/1995/20 Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
DP/1995/23 United Nations Capital Development Fund
DP/1995/24/Part I United Nations Population Fund
Report of the Executive Director for 1994, part I
DP/1995/24/Part II United Nations Population Fund
Report of the Executive Director for 1994, part II
DP/1995/24/Part III United Nations Population Fund
Report of the Executive Director for 1994
Response to Economic and Social Council decision 1994/33
DP/1995/25 Programme priorities and future directions of UNFPA in light
of the International Conference on Population and Development
DP/1995/25/Corr.1 Programme priorities and future directions of UNFPA in light
of the International Conference on Population and Development
DP/1995/26 United Nations Population Fund
Work plan for 1996-1999 and request for programme
expenditure authority
DP/1995/27 United Nations Population Fund
Status of financial implementation of country programmes and
projects approved by the Governing Council and the Executive Board
DP/1995/28 Request for additional resources for the UNFPA
country programme for Namibia
DP/1995/29 UNDP/UNFPA: Harmonization of presentation of budgets and accounts
Report of the Administrator of the United Nations Development
Programme and of the Executive Director of the United Nations
Population Fund
DP/1995/32 Successor programming arrangements
Report of the Administrator
DP/1995/33 United Nations Development Fund for Women
Report of the Administrator
DP/1995/34 Human Development Report
DP/1995/35 The role of the United Nations Development Programme in the
implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the
Development of Africa in the 1990s
DP/1995/36 Technical cooperation among developing countries
DP/1995/37 Implementation of decisions 94/32 and 95/1 on the
United Nations Office for Project Services
DP/1995/40 UNFPA technical support services arrangements
DP/1995/41 United Nations Population Fund
Annual financial review, 1994
DP/1995/42 United Nations Population Fund
Budget estimates for the administrative
and programme support services for the 1996-1997 biennium
DP/1995/43 United Nations Population Fund
Biennial budget estimates for the administrative
and programme support services for the 1996-1997 biennium
Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative
and Budgetary Questions
DP/1995/44 Review of the UNFPA intercountry programme, 1996-1999
DP/1995/44/Add.1 Review of the UNFPA intercountry programme, 1992-1995
DP/1995/46 Eligibility for an independence bonus
Note by the Administrator
DP/1995/47 Reports on mid-term reviews: an overview
Report of the Administrator
DP/1995/47/Add.1 Mid-term review of the fifth cycle programme for
global and interregional programmes
DP/1995/47/Add.2 Mid-term review of the fourth regional programme for Africa
DP/1995/47/Add.3 Mid-term review of the fifth regional programme for
Asia and the Pacific
DP/1995/47/Add.4 Third regional programme for the Arab States
DP/1995/47/Add.5 Mid-term review of the fourth regional programme for
Latin America and the Caribbean
DP/1995/47/Add.6 Third regional programme for Europe and
the Commonwealth of Independent States
DP/1995/48 Haiti's development needs and activities
DP/1995/49 Agency support costs
DP/1995/50 Annual review of the financial situation, 1994
DP/1995/50/Add.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1994
Addendum 1
Net flow of contributions by donor and recipient Governments
DP/1995/50/Add.1/Corr.1 Annual review of the financial situation, 1994
Addendum 1
Net flow of contributions by donor and recipient Governments
DP/1995/50/Add.2 Annual review of the financial situation, 1994
Addendum 2
Trust funds established by the Administrator 1981-1993
DP/1995/50/Add.3 Annual review of the financial situation, 1994
Addendum 3
Trust funds established by the Administrator in 1994
DP/1995/53 Audit reports
Summary of significant observations of the external auditors
of the executing agencies on their 1993 accounts relating to
funds allocated to them by UNDP
DP/1995/53/Add.1 Audit reports
Audit accounts and audit reports of the executing agencies
as at 31 December 1993
DP/1995/55 Procurement from developing countries
DP/1995/56 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical cooperation expenditures financed from sources other
than UNDP
DP/1995/56/Add.1 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical cooperation expenditures financed from sources other
than UNDP
Explanatory notes
DP/1995/56/Add.1/Corr.1 Information on United Nations system regular and extrabudgetary
technical cooperation expenditures financed from sources other
than UNDP, 1994
Explanatory notes
DP/1995/57 Fifth country programme for Rwanda
DP/1995/58 Fifth country programme for Burundi
DP/1995/60 Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1994-1995
and budget estimates for the biennium 1996-1997
Report of the Executive Director
DP/1995/61 United Nations Development Fund for Women
Report of the Administrator
DP/1995/62 United Nations Population Fund
Global initiative on contraceptive requirements and logistics
management needs in developing countries in the 1990s
DP/1995/CRP.1 Relationship between the United Nations Development
Fund for Women and the
United Nations Development Programme
DP/1995/CRP.2 United Nations Development Fund for Women
Partial funding system
DP/1995/CRP.3 Global, interregional and special programmes:
Rationale and opportunities
DP/1995/L.1 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/1995/L.2/Rev.1 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/1995/L.3 Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and work plan
Note by the Executive Board secretariat
DP/CP/AZE/1 First country programme for Azerbaijan
DP/CP/BVI/3 Third country programme for the British Virgin Islands
DP/CP/BYE/1 First country programme for Belarus
DP/CP/INS/5 UNDP cooperation framework with Indonesia
DP/CP/INS/NOTE/5 UNDP cooperation framework with Indonesia
Note by the Administrator
DP/CP/KYR/1 First country programme for the Kyrgyz Republic
DP/CP/LAT/1 First country programme for Latvia
DP/CP/LIT/1 First country programme for Lithuania
DP/CP/MOL/1 First country programme for the Republic of Moldova
DP/CP/RUS/1 First country programme for the Russian Federation
DP/CP/UKR/1 First country programme for Ukraine
DP/CP/UZB/1 First country programme for Uzbekistan
DP/FPA/CP/141 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Comoros
DP/FPA/CP/149 United Nations Population Fund
Assistance to the Government of Costa Rica

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