Reflections - Lessons from Evaluations

Evaluations play a key role in helping UNDP to continuously learn and improve its programming. The Reflections series synthesizes lessons from past evaluations and related academic research to support this learning and build on what works and what doesn't in different development contexts globally.

Reflections book
Reflections. Lessons from Evaluations: Learning from the Past for a Sustainable Future

Reflections. Lessons from Evaluations: Learning from the Past for a Sustainable Future is the second book in the IEO’s Reflections series. It provides a snapshot of 85 lessons learned from UNDP support, covering 11 key development issues, with case examples from around the world. The report is divided in three subsections:

  • the role of UNDP in supporting countries' socioeconomic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • lessons from efforts to integrate the 'leaving no one behind' principles; and
  • efforts for a greener and more sustainable future.

Editor: Independent Evaluation Office
Author: Independent Evaluation Office
Publication Date: April 2023


Reflections book
Reflections - Lessons from Evaluations: Learning from Past Crises for Recovering from COVID-19

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) plays an important role as a central and impartial knowledge provider helping UNDP to make decisions and policies based on evaluative evidence. In 2020, the IEO launched Reflections - a knowledge product that offers lessons from past evaluations and provides valuable insights for organizational learning and improved decision-making towards better development results. Reflections are Rapid Evaluation Assessments that provide syntheses from thousands of evaluations of UNDP development activities carried out over the past decade. This book is the first volume in the series and outlines 61 lessons from evaluations of UNDP's work in crisis settings to support decision-makers, especially at the country level, in their COVID-19 crisis response and recovery efforts.

Editor: Independent Evaluation Office
Author: Independent Evaluation Office
Publication Date: February 2021
