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Evaluation of the UNDG Contribution to the Implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness


Recognizing the need to take stock and learn from UNDP and UNDG experience in new aid modalities, the evaluation was conducted under the umbrella of the first phase of a broader joint evaluation on the implementation of the Paris Declaration by partner countries and bilateral and multilateral partner agencies.

The report presents the assessment of a joint independent evaluation conducted by the evaluation offices of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM) of the contribution made by the United Nations Development Group to the implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.

The Paris Declaration was only signed in 2005; this was, therefore, a formative evaluation concentrated in identifying what constitutes better practices. The evaluation looked at enabling factors to adhere to the principles embedded in the Paris Declaration of national ownership, alignment, harmonization, managing for results and mutual accountability. The factors assessed were commitment, capacities and incentive systems. In addition the evaluation looked at cross-cutting issues of gender equality, response to HIV/AIDS, rural development and capacity development.

The evaluation made consultations at headquarters in New York, Geneva, Rome and Addis Ababa and gathered country level evidence from surveys and case studies in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gabon, Lao PDR, Mauritania and Ukraine.

The evaluation identifies specific challenges faced by UNDG. It concludes that the experience in implementing PD principles varied substantially across the five principles. Progress was most evident regarding support of country ownership and alignment with national development strategies due to commitments that precede the PD. There were also some interesting cases of progress regarding mutual accountability. However, progress relating to alignment in using country systems and harmonization across UNDG members shows the greatest room for improvement.

Full Report


1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Assessing Commitment to the Paris Declaration

4. Assessing Capacities

5. Assessing Incentives

6. Implementating the Paris Declaration at the Country Level

7. Crosscutting Issues

8. Conclusion and Recommendations

9. Annexes