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Evaluation of UNDP Cooperation in Middle-Income Countries


MIC Evaluation

The evaluation assessed UNDP contributions to national development results in MICs through the objectives of its Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 in selected practice areas and signature solutions. These are poverty eradication, strengthened inclusive and accountable institutions, environment and nature-based solutions for development, closing the energy gap and gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The evaluation calls on UNDP to revisit the MIC country classification methodology, which is used to inform resource allocations, with due regard for the vast heterogeneity among the MIC countries. UNDP should consider incorporating the Human Development Index and other vulnerability criteria to create a more differentiated programmatic approach and financial strategies to assist MICs. The evaluation provides a number of recommendations for further strengthening UNDP support to MICs and UNDP has provided its management response.

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