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Evaluation of Role and Contribution of UNDP in Environment and Energy


Environment and energy in various formulations has featured as one of the key thematic areas of UNDP’s work since the 1980s. In the 2004–2007 multi-year funding framework (MYFF), ‘Managing Environment and Energy for Sustainable Development’ was one of the five main practice areas of the organization.

This evaluation assessed the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of UNDP work in environment and energy at the global, regional and national levels. While focused mainly on the period 2002-2007, the evaluation also considered how events before 2002 shaped the approach of UNDP to environment and energy, as well as how the organization is positioned to move forwards.

Full Report


1. Rationale, Scope and Approach

2. Environment and Energy in UNDP

3. Activities and Programmes

4. Major Thematic Area

5. Conclusion

6. Recommendations

7. Annexes